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All Saints' CE Primary School Alrewas

All Saints' CE Primary School Alrewas

John Taylor Multi-Academy Trust

Outlined on our class page are the routines and expectations for Reception. We appreciate your support in promoting these and hope that you find this advice helpful and informative.

You can contact me directly through my email- jminor@allsaints-alrewas.staffs.sch.uk 

The Reception staff understand the expectations will be individualised to accommodate each individual to ensure each child will meet their personal goals and the learning expectations. 

The Rhino Readers have arrived and have been given to all Reception children.  In Spring 1 we must continue to keep the reading routine at home and at school consistent.  The Rhino Readers will be collected in on a Monday and will be changed afterschool on Monday and be returned on Tuesday.  We will continue to read with all reception children at least once a week during school time with the children's rows being given an allocated afternoon. Reading sessions may change  due to circumstances and we therefore ask that the Rhino Readers and reading records come to school every single day. 

Monday - Lovely Ladybirds   /   Tuesday - Super Spiders   /   Wednesday - Caring Caterpillars 

Thursday - Amazing Ants   /   Friday - Beautiful Butterflies

Spring 1: 

Spring 1 Week 1:

Spring 1 Week 2: 

Spring 1 Week 3:

Spring 1 Week 4:

Spring 1 Week 5: 

Spring 1 Week 6: 

 To be confirmed : 

Reception Church Visits.

 Accidents and Incidents:

 As children develop physically, accidents can occasionally happen. In this event, the majority of staff are trained in first aid. Only qualified staff will ever administer first aid to your child. If your child has an accident, you will be informed upon collection and will be given an accident slip. The accident will be recorded in our accident book along with details of the first aid administered and by whom. In the event of a more serious accident or bump to the head, you will be informed immediately by telephone. Your child will be monitored and, in most cases, will be able to continue with their day as normal. In the event of an accident causing concern, you could be asked to collect your child for further medical attention.

Collection of Children:

Children  are to be picked up from the Reception gate at 3.15pm. They are released one at a time to a known adult. A child will only be released into the care of their parents/guardians or other authorised persons. You will be required to write a letter/email giving permission for any person other than yourself to collect your child. We will not release your child unless we have your written/verbal permission in advance.

Late Collection:

 If you know you are going to be unavoidably late to collect your child please contact the school office. Please inform us of your intention to collect. If an unknown person is to be collecting your child, please send a photograph (wherever possible) of the person who you authorise to collect them.

Lunch Time:

Lunch is served in the school hall for Reception children. Teachers accompany children for lunch in the hall for the first 15 minutes of the lunch break. Each day children can choose either to have a hot school meal (free of charge) or bring a packed lunch. Please ensure that your child’s lunch box is clearly labelled with their name. Thank you.


 At the start of Reception, children will undertake the statutory Reception baseline assessment. This is administered in the first 6 weeks of your child starting school. It is administered by your child’s class teacher on an individual basis. It helps staff to understand what your child already knows and can do when they start school and also set next steps and targets for your child. At the end of Reception, children are assessed by their teacher, against the Early Learning Goals (a copy can be found at the bottom of the class page). You will receive a report to tell you whether your child is at the ‘expected’ level required or are ‘emerging’ which means they have not yet met the required standard for the end of Reception. They will receive support in year 1 if this is the case so please don’t worry. Assessment plays an important part in helping parents, carers and practitioners to recognise children’s progress, understand their needs, and to plan activities and support. Ongoing assessment (also known as formative assessment) is an integral part of the learning and development process. It involves practitioners observing children to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles, and to then shape learning experiences for each child reflecting those observations.

Health snack at breaktime: 

During our morning session, Reception have their snack time. During this time the children will be pick some fruit that we have available that day and optional milk and they will sit either outside on our seating area or on their carpet spot inside during this time because it is an expectation that children are supervised by an adult whilst they eat. Items from a lunchbox will not be consumed during this healthy snack time (Crisps, biscuits etc). The fruit provided by school may not be suitable for all children, if you would like your child to eat preferred fruit from home during this time then please make a member of the reception team aware. Please ensure the box of fruit is labelled and this will be collected by a member of the Reception team and placed with the fruit available, ready to be eaten by the child. 

8:35am- The EYFS/KS1 playground gate will be open, and children may come straight to the classroom. The registration provision will begin by being greeted at the door, followed by putting their belongings onto their peg and updating the personalised self-registration display. The children will then accurately update their zones of regulation display, ready to then access the registration provision linked to the current learning.

10:30-10:45am- Snack Time – The children will have a scheduled snack time which will follow a similar routine to nursery. After this, Children will have access to the KS1 playground.

11:45pm- 1:00p- Lunchtime- We are a nut free school, therefore please ensure any packed lunches do not contain  nuts.

 1:00pm- Afternoon provision begins. 

3:15pm- End of school day- The children will be dismissed from the reception gate outside the classroom entrance.

P.E:  Monday: Indoor PE / Wednesday: Outdoor PE / Forest School / Bikes

PE Kit:

1) Plain white t-shirt (with our without school logo) / 2) Black or navy shorts, joggers or leggings

3) Pumps / trainers / 4) Optional navy or black plain zip-up top / 5) Long hair should be tied back.

Children need to bring in their PE kit into school on Monday, as the children will be getting changed for indoor PE on Monday afternoon and outdoor PE on Wednesday afternoon as part of our curriculum. Please can you label all your child's clothing. The PE kits will be sent home at the end of every half term. 

 We are passionate about reading. We will change reading books once a week. We will be reading Rhino Readers, which are part of our Twinkl phonics scheme. Please can you record what and how your child has read in their reading record at least 3 times a week. 5 (or more) entries will mean that tokens will be awarded to your child for their house. Please can your child bring their reading book and reading record to school every day to utilise reading opportunities within school. 


 (This video is provided by Twinkl Phonics on youtube to show the level 2 sounds). 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZGwM48Wy5E&t=55s (This video is provided by Twinkl Phonics on youtube to show the level 3 sounds. 

Week 1: Marvellous Me - Me on the inside (my emotions - How do I feel?): 

Week 2: Marvellous Me - Me on the outside ( Growth - How have I changed?):  

Week 3: Marvellous Me- My Body (How I am unique?) : 

Week 4: Marvellous Me- My Interests (What makes us the same?) : 

Week 5: Marvellous Me- My family : 

Week 6: Marvellous Me- My School :  

Week 7: Marvellous Me- My Community : 

Week 8: Marvellous Me- My Community : 





























