Roger Hargreaves Class
Mrs Ridley (YEAR 1)
Roger Hargreaves Class
I hope you all had a fantastic summer and are ready for an exciting half term ahead. We cannot wait to see what this year brings. Please see below for all the information you need to know about Year 1 at All Saints’!
Meet the Team:
Class Teacher: Mrs Ridley Tuesday - Friday, Mrs Haycock - Monday
Support Staff: Mrs Smith, Mrs Hodges
If you need to make contact please email:
I will aim to respond to emails between 8am and 5:30pm during working days.
Key Information
Our Day
8:45 am: Learning begins! The gate will be open from 8.35am and children may come straight to the classroom from this time ready to start lessons at 8.45am.
10:30-10:45 am: Break time.
12:00 pm: End of morning session.
1:00 pm: Afternoon session begins.
2.00 pm: 10 mins break
3.00 pm: class story time
3:15 pm: End of school day. The children will be dismissed from the door at the front of the school between nursery and reception. Unless already agreed, children will only be released to their parents.
Monday: Indoor PE
Tuesday: Outdoor PE
PE Kit:
Navy jogging bottoms or leggings, shorts in the summer.
White t-shirt and a plain navy sweatshirt/ jumper.
Earrings- if you child cannot remove these independently, they should not be worn on PE days.
Long hair should be tied back.
Please label everything with your child's name.
Every morning we have a Maths, English and Phonics lesson. Each afternoon we begin with a mastering number session and then have 1 or 2 subjects sessions such as Music, PE, RE, DT, Art, Science, History, Geography, Computing and PHSE. We end each day with story time.
All homework this year will be set on a Monday.
The children will have a spelling test, with words from that week's learnt phonics sound, and new spelling given every Monday. New words will be given as a paper copy to each child and put on the class web page. The test will be in a small book that will come home every Tuesday so you can see how you child has done and what still needs working on. Please return this book with your child on Wednesday.
Week Beginning 16/09/2024 - 'oy' saying 'oi
Maths will be set via the MyMaths website, your child will be bringing a letter home to explain this in full. An additional copy of their login details will be stuck into their reading record book. Please encourage your child to login weekly and have a go. A new task will be set each week.
Your child needs to bring in their reading book and reading record everyday so we can listen to your child read. Reading books will be changed once a week on a Friday. Children are expected to read at home to an adult on a daily basis and an adult entry made into their reading journal.
All children who record 3 entries into their reading journal each week will automatically receive a house-point token and children who record 5 entries will receive 3 house-point tokens.
Break Time Snacks
Children are welcome to bring in a healthy snack for the morning break time. We are a nut free school so please ensure any snacks do not contain nuts. Snacks are not to be shared with other children as there are a number of children with specific food allergies.
All children should bring a water bottle to school. Water bottles are available from the office for a small fee.
Class Blogs
Please check our class blog regularly for class updates, spellings, announcements and information.
Talking to your child about staying safe online
The School Run - free resources for all age groups
Think U Know - parents/support tools/home activity worksheets
Think U Know (2) - parents/support tools/home activity worksheets