**Reception and KS1 Performance Tickets**
Dear Parents/Carers,
I am happy to share that tickets to the Reception and KS1 performances will be available from Monday 9th December.
As you know, there are two performances: Wednesday 18th December at 1:30pm and Thursday 19th December at 9:30am.
As always, in order to ensure fairness and safety, we will be allocating two tickets per family. All next week, two tickets per family to either the Wednesday or the Thursday show will be available to collect from the office. You can collect these at any time.
We know that many of you will want to invite grandmas, grandads, etc. but unfortunately, due to the limitations of our hall, this is not possible.
If, by the end of next week, many tickets remain, we will send a text informing you of this and these will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Tickets will not be needed for the KS2 performance in the church or the Nursery Christmas event.
If there are exceptional reasons for requiring an additional ticket, please speak directly to Mrs Fussell.