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All Saints' CE Primary School Alrewas

All Saints' CE Primary School Alrewas

John Taylor Multi-Academy Trust

J. M. Barrie Class

Year 3 

Welcome to Year 3, also known as J M Barrie Class. 

Outlined here are some of the routines and expectations for in Year 3 . We appreciate your support in promoting these and hope that you find this advice helpful and informative. We look forward to the exciting year ahead of us.  All messages and information (including homework) will be shared with you on this blog page.

This year in Year 3

Class teacher : Mr Tyson

Support staff : Ms Dickson

You can contact me directly through my email -


I will aim to respond to messages Monday- Friday (8.00am - 5.30pm).

Our Day

8:45 am: Learning begins! The gate will be open from 8.35am and children may come straight to the classroom from this time ready to start lessons at 8.45am.

10:30-10:45 am: Break time.

12:15 pm: End of morning session.

1:00 pm: Afternoon session begins.

3:15 pm: End of school day. The children have been reminded not to leave school if they cannot see their adult, please inform us if somebody different is collecting your child from school.

Spring 1


Multiplication and division - 

- Multiply by 8

- Divide by 8

- The 8 times-table

- The 2, 4 and 8 times-tables

- Multiples of 10

- Related calculations

- Reasoning about multiplication

- Multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number – no exchange

- Multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number – with exchange

- Link multiplication and division

- Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number – no exchange

- Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number – flexible partitioning

- Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number – with remainders

- Scaling

- How many ways?

Length and perimeter:

- Measure in metres and centimetres

- Measure in millimetres

- Measure in centimetres and millimetres

- Metres, centimetres and millimetres

- Equivalent lengths (metres and centimetres)

- Equivalent lengths (centimetres and millimetres)

- Compare lengths

- Add lengths

- Subtract lengths

- What is perimeter?

- Measure perimeter

- Calculate perimeter



English: Roman Army Formations:

In this two-week unit, pupils will read a non-chronological report, describing the formations and tactics of the Roman army. They will have an opportunity to learn technical vocabulary related to the Roman military. It will culminate in them writing their own report about the Roman Army. This unit could be used as part of a topic on the theme of the Roman empire and its impact on Britain.
Two fully resourced lessons are included for Year 3 English objectives:
1) Identifying word families based on common words
2) Organising paragraphs around a topic sentence.
Teacher notes, teaching slides and activity sheets are included to deliver these in a fun and interesting way, linked to the model text
where appropriate.
There are opportunities to revisit previous writing skills such as subordination, the correct use of past and present tense and the use of commas for lists. There are also opportunities to teach other aspects of the year 3 curriculum, including: extending sentences with a wider range of conjunctions; the use of conjunctions, adverbials and prepositions to express time, place and cause; the use of pronouns, conjunctions and adverbs to improve cohesion; the use of noun phrases to add detail; and the inclusion of organisational features such as headings and subheadings.




Daily reading lessons will be focused around Diary of a Killer Cat. This will consist of fluency of reading twice a week and then VIPERS style questions twice a week. 

History - Romans:

In this unit about the Romans, children will learn about the spread of the Roman Empire out of Italy and across large parts of Europe, parts of North Africa and West Asia. They will learn how Britain changed after the invasion and conquest by the Roman army in AD 43 and about the impact on daily life. Children will learn about the Roman legacy and will explore key historical terms
such as 'empire', 'invasion' and 'conquest'. At the beginning of the unit, children will learn about the origins of the city of Rome and about its growth and position at the heart of the Roman Empire. Children will have the opportunity to study written primary sources and to explore why the Romans invaded Britain. Subsequent lessons will also make use of a range of written and archaeological
evidence to look in detail at an aspect of the Roman occupation and the Romanisation of Britain. This includes the building of a network of roads, the construction of new towns and the development of agriculture and countryside villas. By learning about Queen Boudicca of the Iceni tribe, children will explore British resistance to Roman rule and consider the events of the rebellion from different perspectives. The building of Hadrian’s Wall (in AD 122) allows children to explore the diverse nature of the Roman army, the expertise they had in building and engineering and the struggles involved in controlling the northern border of the empire. When learning about life in a Roman villa, children will undertake their own independent research. Studying the Romans will assist children in identifying similarities and differences, in using historical sources of evidence and will help them to develop the skills to ask and answer historical questions. Finally, this unit will help the children to understand how the Roman Empire influenced and shaped the world and that the Romans left a lasting legacy on the 'Britain' that we know today.

Computing - Programming 

Science - Finish our light unit and then start the forces and magnets unit

Physical Education

The children will be involved in two PE sessions a week. We ask that kit is clearly labelled and worn on that day.  Outdoor PE activities will be on a Wednesday and indoor PE on a Friday.

This half term, we will be doing gymnastics (indoor) and netball (outdoor).

PE kit:


Navy jogging bottoms or leggings/shorts.

White t-shirt and  a plain navy sweatshirt/jumper.

Earrings - if your child cannot remove these independently, they should not be worn on PE days.

Long hair should be tied back. 


Break Time Snacks

Children are welcome to bring in a healthy snack for the morning break time. We are a nut free school so please ensure any snacks do not contain nuts. Snacks are not to be shared with other children as there are a number of children with specific food allergies.

All children should bring a school water bottle to school. Water bottles are available from the office for a small fee.



Homework in Year 3 consists of daily reading, weekly spellings and a MyMaths activity. 


Children are expected to read at home on a daily basis and complete 5 reading entries in their reading journal as part of their homework routine. At the start of Year 3 we ask that you share daily reading with your child and we understand that you may want to fill in the reading journal on behalf of your child. Please feel free to record any comments or questions regarding your child’s reading in their diary.

We do ask that children read every night for at least 10 minutes.

The UK government’s Education Research Standards Team tells us, Evidence suggests that there is a positive relationship between reading frequency, reading enjoyment and attainment.”

All children who record 3 entries into their reading journal each week will automatically receive a house-point token for the weekly competition and children who record 5 entries will receive 3 house-point tokens. 

Children are welcome to select books from the class library or choose their own from home. Those who are not quite ready for free reading will continue with the school reading scheme and progress through each stage until they have acquired the skills needed to make the transition. If your child is not a free reader, in addition to their self-chosen book they will also bring home a banded reading book, these will be changed once a week on a Monday. Books should be brought into school every day.



Spellings will be set on Monday and posted on the class blog page.  A spelling test will be held on a Monday a week after the spellings are set. 



A MyMaths activity will be set weekly on a Monday which all children are encouraged to complete.  More great maths practice can be found at BBC Bitesize ;

KS2 free maths game - Primary mathematics skills - Times tables, multiplication, division, algebra, fractions and decimals - BBC Bitesize


Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk) 


W/B: 6/1/25

Spellings: Words with short /i/ sound spelt with 'y'















Reading: 3 reading entries for 1hp, 5 reading entries for 3hp. 


I am looking forward to continuing to work with your children this calendar year. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to get in contact.

Mr Tyson


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